Call Us: 615-891-3969


SMA, Inc., a full service agency for the faith based community, represents a remarkable list of speakers, comedians, musicians and authors who believe the power of words, faith and action have the ability to transform individuals, organizations, nations and entire people groups. We will work with you to provide information and help you to make the best decision possible for your event. We have relationships with other agencies, bureaus and other speakers not listed on our web site. We also have arrangements with other artists to schedule them for your event or venue.

Please fill out the form below or call our office at 615-891-3969 or 818-209-4585 or one of the other phone numbers and we will help you find the best person for your event, budget and availability. If the person you choose accepts your invitation, we will send you an agreement, bio, photo and other information on how to make your event successful. If the person you choose is not available, we will work with you to secure another person for your event. We will work with you to provide the information and help you need to make the best decision possible for your event.

Schedule An Artist

Artists Name

Event Starts

Event Ends

Your Name (required)

Organization Name

Your Email (required)


Address 2



Postal Code



Other General Information